MORE GOOD! April 08 2010


The Firecracker Press (and now Typecast Publishing) have been producing a magazine for poetry and graphic design for the past few years... The Lumberyard. It comes out twice a year and has been called, "the most physically beautiful journal I've seen this year" by The New York Times, and won Best in Show at the 2009 Louisville Graphic Design Association competition. We're happy to add another award to that list. AIGA St. Louis has given issues 4 and 5 an award of merit for its 2010 design show. For those who are asking, "what the heck does AIGA mean" it's the American Institute of Graphic Arts. They pick and honor the region's best design work each year and we're flattered to have been chosen for this year's line-up.

BTW if you're in Denver this week visit our booth at the American Writers and Poets conference!