ROCKIN' THE SHREW October 08 2010
If you've never been to the Shakespeare Festival St. Louis outdoor productions of Shakespeare classics, you're missing a real treat. The shows are nestled into a beautiful hillside just down from the Art Museum in Forest Park and they're one of our favorite springtime events in St. Louis. This spring they'll be putting on a rockabilly version of The Taming of the Shrew and they hired us to help by designing and printing an enticing invitation for their Fall fundraiser. This ain't your great, great, great, great grandma's Shakespeare and we're happy to lend a hand!
Also, look for The Firecracker Press on Sunday, October 17th when we team up with Shakespeare Festival St. Louis once more for The Taming of the Clue!, a letterbox treasure hunt. Experts will teach rubber stamp making and lead the hunt while we give letterpress demonstrations from 2pm-4pm.
You can find more info about Shakespeare Festival St. Louis on their website.